Compiling ICAR

Edit the makefile to set the path to your compiled NetCDF and FFTW libraries

Also to set the compiler for your machine if necessary (defaults to gfortran)

make clean
     # remove build by-products

     # default (relatively high) optimization compile

make install
    # compile if necessary, then install in the install directory [~/bin]


MODE=fast           # more optimization, slower compile, WARNING:not safe optimizations
MODE=profile        # set profiling options for gnu or intel compilers
MODE=debug          # debug compile with optimizations
MODE=debugslow      # debug compile w/o optimizations
MODE=debugomp       # debug compile with optimizations and OpenMP parallelization
MODE=debugompslow   # debug compile w/o optimizations but with OpenMP parallelization

make doc
# build doxygen documentation in docs/html

make test
    # compiles various test programs (mpdata_test, fftshift_test, and calendar_test)

add -jn to parallelize the compile over n processors


make install MODE=debug -j4  # uses 4 processes to compile in debug mode